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Author: Caroline

Business Plan or Wing It?

Business Plan or Wing It?

Right out of grad school in my first job, it was my job to start companies. I worked for a group of early-stage investors who found ideas they thought were promising and we turned them into viable companies. At one point my colleagues and I joked we could go from nothing to a functioning company in a morning. On one hand, this was true. Once we’d met with the founder and made a plan, we knew how to quickly execute…

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Discussing Developments in Artificial Intelligence

Discussing Developments in Artificial Intelligence

This past summer, one of my law firm clients had a wonderful intern who worked on understanding current and upcoming policy regarding Artificial Intelligence and it’s applications. To conclude her project, we filmed a video interview between Sarah and Nancy Prager of Prager Law discussing her thoughts on the policy she reviewed and AI itself. I was on the call to run the technical side of the interview, but ended up participating. So I’m not on screen, but interjecting my…

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Love ChatGPT, Bard, and Other New Tech Tools?

Love ChatGPT, Bard, and Other New Tech Tools?

Several years ago, a client asked me how I stayed up to date on new technology. After all, I don’t generally go to tech-related CLEs. My first thought was just that I’m always using the new tools that come out in various applications. When it comes to Case Management Software, for example, I’ve had a chance to play with most of the bigger offerings and have a good idea of the pros and cons of each. However, I also understand…

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There Should Be a Way To….

There Should Be a Way To….

Multiple times this week, I’ve heard this phrase, “there should be a way to….” insert task. Some of these are reasonable, for example, “email everyone at your internal domain.” Others, less so, such as, “bill in a way that is clearly not in compliance with the existing contract.” I generally prefer the first type, as those are the problems I like to solve. When looking for ways to improve a business, whether it is a law firm, a non-profit, or…

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